Cristian Ciranna-Raab


Cristian Ciranna-Raab is a proud alumnus of the European School of Osteopathy in Maidstone, UK and Dresden International University. He's carved out a niche for himself in the high-stakes world of functional gynecological disturbances and female infertility. Oh, and he’s a dab hand at pediatric osteopathy and obstetrics too!

Between 2006 and 2017 Cristian donned the crown as the leading head of the Osteopathie Schule Deutschland, was the vice-president of the Osteopathic European Academic Network (OsEAN) and the right-hand man as the vice-chairman of the Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Osteopathie (BAO).

And if you're itching to hear him drop some osteopathic wisdom, you're in luck! He's an in-demand speaker, textbook co-author, and clinical examiner with a fan base that stretches across international borders.

When he's not perfecting his golf swing, you can find him working his magic in his private practices in Milan and Mendrisio, Switzerland.