Hugo De Cock


Hugo De Cock: with a name like that, you expect someone unique. And you won`t be disappointed!

Since 1995 Hugo has been dazzling both Belgium and the Netherlands with his osteopathic talent. Climbing the ivory tower of the International Academy of Osteopathy (IAO) in picturesque Ghent, he ascended to the ranks of senior lecturer and vice-principal. From that lofty perch, he sprinkled his expertise over countless budding Belgian and Dutch osteopaths, ensuring they fluttered out well-equipped into the osteopathic world.

A deep diver in the therapeutic seas, Hugo is all about integration. He deftly weaves the threads of the musculoskeletal, craniosacral, and organ systems into a therapeutical tapestry that wraps patients in well-being. And as if that isn't enough, he’s now illuminating the path for postgrads, showcasing the intricate dance of viscero-posturological patterns and their therapeutic twirls.

In summary, if osteopathy had a hall of fame, Hugo De Cock would be its rock star, complete with a platinum album in "Therapeutical Integration Hits!"